Health & Safety Policy
Eagletech Security Solutions believes that excellence in the management of health and safety is an essential element within its overall business plan – a good health and safety record goes hand in hand with high productivity and quality standards.
People are the most important asset to Eagle Guards Ltd, and therefore we are totally committed to ensuring their health, safety and welfare at all times.
From an economic point of view, Eagle Guards Ltd believes that prevention is not only better, but cheaper than cure. There is no necessary conflict between humanitarian and commercial consideration. Profits and safety are not in competition. On the contrary, safety is good business.
From a legal perspective, Eagle Guards Ltd is committed to ensuring that it complies with all relevant health and safety legislation. Where it is reasonably practicable to do so, Eagle Guards Ltd will strive to go beyond the requirements of legislation.
Eagle Guards Ltd is committed to ongoing monitoring and review processes, so that continual improvement in the management of health and safety can be achieved.
Our general intentions are:-
- To provide adequate control of the Health and Safety risks arising from our work activities;
- To consult with our employees on matters affecting their Health & Safety;
- To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
- To ensure safe handling and use of substances;
- To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;
- To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training;
- To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health;
- To maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and
- To review and revise this policy at regular intervals.